Made in Abyss: Final Thoughts

Made in Abyss was by far the biggest surprise for me this season. Giving us an unbelievable fantasy world with possibly the best first episode i've ever seen, Made in Abyss absolutely blew all the other shows this season out of the water. Combining and amazing soundtrack with incredible visuals, a compact cast of interesting …

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Princess Principal: Final Thoughts

Intrigue, action, a well-written story and, of course, cute girls. Princess Principal, from the description alone, is a show I was extremely skeptical about watching this summer. I mean, cute high school girls spies in dystopian London? Seems like a recipe for an enormous amount of things to go wrong. However, with an incredible first …

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Gamers! Final Thoughts

Every week this summer, Gamers! was one of the shows I most looked forward to. I'm quite sad that it's over, and I am hopeful of a second season being released. But why did I enjoy the show so much? The plot was painfully average and shallow, the characters didn't have a whole lot of …

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In Another World With My Smartphone: Final Thoughts

Honestly, because of how much material there was in the Light Novels, I was expecting this series to go on for at least a 24-episode run, so I was quite surprised when it ended with only 12. And those 12 episodes definitely managed to get through a lot more of the story than I was …

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Final Thoughts on New Game!!

I have long adored the Slice-of-Life genre for its ability to warm the heart, calm the mind, and provide a lovely, evenly-paced story that keeps you engaged from start to finish, without creating any real unnecessary emotion. Many people find the genre to be boring, which I can understand, but for me, Slice-of-Life is a …

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Classroom of the Elite Final Thoughts

Classroom of the Elite is a prime example of something I see happen so very often in Anime. It started off with a very interesting premise, gave us a lot of great tension and build-up in the story, but never capitalized on what it had going for it. Visually, the show is beautiful, the art …

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Tsurezure Children Episode 12 Review

It's come to that bittersweet time once again when the Summer is ending and fall is on the way. And so draws one of my favorite shows of the season to a close. Tsurezure children did a great job of presenting a short and concise romantic comedy that hit all the necessary points and left …

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Made in Abyss: Episodes 11 and 12 Review

Yes, I know i'm a bit behind on the show. Life's been crazy recently and I haven't had a chance to watch as consistently as I mean to. But enough with that, let's get down to business. The meat of these two episodes consists of Reg getting to know Nanachi, as they work to save …

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Love and Lies Episodes 11 and 12 Review

Have you ever been so angry that you want to punch something, but there's nothing nearby that is nice and punchable, so you just wander around the house being furious at everything? Because that's what I feel like right now. I hate this show, I hate Yukari, I hate Misaki and Ririna. I literally cannot …

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Fate/Apocrypha Episodes 10 and 11 Review

This fight has been going on for several episodes now, something that I would probably criticize in a normal Anime. HOWEVER. This being a Type-Moon show, and not just any Type-Moon show, but one that pits 2 teams of 7 servants and masters each against each other. This means that, while a battle may span …

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