Love and Lies Episodes 11 and 12 Review

Have you ever been so angry that you want to punch something, but there's nothing nearby that is nice and punchable, so you just wander around the house being furious at everything? Because that's what I feel like right now. I hate this show, I hate Yukari, I hate Misaki and Ririna. I literally cannot …

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Love and Lies Episodes 9 and 10 Review

Oh boy, back into the thick of the drama here. The school festival has arrived, and Yukari is coping with a lot of emotions, from his hurt relationship with Ririna to the mix of emotions that Misaki keeps piling on him. Nisaka is in there too, Yukari's words having given him a lot more confidence …

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Love and Lies Episodes 7 and 8 Review

Episode 7 picks up right where Episode 6 left us, with Yukari and Ririna still in their hotel room. Yukari makes his decision, deciding to try and make love to Ririna, mainly out of fear that the government would be watching them. However, he snaps out of it after seeing Ririna crying due to her …

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Love and Lies Episodes 5 and 6 Review

You know, guys, I think I understand now what this show does so well, to make it so enjoyable, at least for me. It paints such an accurate depiction of teens in love; nobody is perfect, nothing works out just ideally, they are super awkward and totally emotion and hormone driven. It's probably one of …

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Love and Lies Episode 4

What do you guys think of the ships in this show? Seriously? I'm totally rooting for teal Ririna right now, I think she's a far more genuine person than Misaki, she's a much better fit for Yukari, and she's adorable as all heck. But that's just my opinion, of course. What do you guys think? …

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Love and Lies Episode 3

This show is getting more and more complex. The show constantly references a "red string of fate", and it seems like this show is weaving quite a complex and tangled web. Ririna invites Yukari over to her house, but when he arrives, Misaki is already there? turns out Ririna really just wants to hang out …

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Love and Lies Episode 2

Second episode of Love and Lies is here! We finally get to meet Yukari's fiancee, Ririna. I really like her as a character. Her struggles with her health have made it so she's pretty socially awkward, yet she still fights to show that she's OK, that she can function on her own, even when she's …

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Love and Lies Episode 1

Koi to Uso is a show about a future Japan where all marriages are decided by the government. At the age of 16, every Japanese citizen gets a notification from the Government telling them who their future spouse will be. For Yukari Nejima, this system is absolutely horrific, as he has been in love with …

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Summer 2017 Anime Hype!!!

Spring 2017 was a fantastic season, with some truly great shows, and a surprising lack of extremely bad ones. And looking at the currently released lineup of shows for the Summer 2017 season, i'm feeling pretty hopeful as well! Let's just all hope that we can keep up the momentum and get another great season! …

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