Isekai Shokudou Episode 5

Katsudon and Pudding A-La-Mode. This episode gives us the story of the Lion beastman who always comes in for the Pork Cutlets. He was a raider, harassing many towns in the kingdom, before being captured and forced to be a gladiator in an arena, fighting various monsters. The night before his first battle, he encounters …

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Isekai Shokudou Episode 4

Those of you who are watching this show will understand when I say that this show is unbelievably gorgeous, as far as the visuals go. Colors, textures, lighting, and shadows are all done so magnificently well that the show is deliciously easy on the eyes. That being said, i'd like to learn more about the …

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Isekai Shokudou Episode 3

This show always manages to make me feel really hungry. I think one of the nicest things about it is that you could conceivably cook anything shown on the show at home. I really enjoy cooking, so this greatly appeals to me. The gorgeous art, animation, and music helps a lot, too. This show is …

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Isekai Shokudou Episode 2

Once again, Isekai Shokudou surprised me with stunning visuals and animation, a great soundtrack, and some genuinely interesting characters. I have been seeing a lot of people comparing this show to Shokugeki no Soma, yet I must disagree. It focuses far more on the stories of the people who come into the restaurant than on …

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Isekai Shokudou Episode 1

Isekai Shokudou is one of the shows I was most excited to see this season. And looking at the first episode, things are looking great! The art and animation are both excellent, and the story is intriguing enough to draw me in from the start. If the show keeps up the way the first episode …

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Summer 2017 Anime Hype!!!

Spring 2017 was a fantastic season, with some truly great shows, and a surprising lack of extremely bad ones. And looking at the currently released lineup of shows for the Summer 2017 season, i'm feeling pretty hopeful as well! Let's just all hope that we can keep up the momentum and get another great season! …

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