100 Days of Anime: Day 64


Welcome back to the 100 Day Anime Challenge, specifically day 64. Yesterday, we talked about Shonen Anime. Today, our question is: What is your favorite Shoujo Anime? I’ve got a great answer to this one, as I recently revisited one of my favorite Shoujo series of all time, one that I haven’t seen for a very long while. Many of you may have seen it, it’s Full Moon Wo Sagashite.


Full Moon wo Sagashite is a story about a young girl who, diagnosed with terminal throat cancer, realizes she will never have the chance to fulfill her dream of becoming a famous singer. Visited by two shinigami, she is told she has only a year to live, but is given one wish. She wishes to be able to spend her remaining year living her dream of being a singer, and as the shinigami work to fulfill her dream, they learn more about themselves, the essence of dreams, and the power of love.


If you enjoy music, I absolutely recommend Full Moon. It’s a beautiful show that brought tears to my eyes more than once, and it’s absolutely touching and heartfelt all the way through. What are some of you guy’s favorite Shoujo Anime? Let me know down in the comments, and I hope to see everyone again tomorrow!

One thought on “100 Days of Anime: Day 64

  1. Pingback: 100 Days of Anime: Day 85 – Zero Drama Anime

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