100 Days of Anime: Day 100

My dear Horizon. This world does not deserve your radiant beauty. You are strong, wise, and beautiful, the Queen of the Far East, and controller of the Armors of Deadly Sins. Your perfection truly knows no bounds, and we all on this earth are unworthy of your beauty. However, you stand before us, and so …

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Love and Lies Episodes 11 and 12 Review

Have you ever been so angry that you want to punch something, but there's nothing nearby that is nice and punchable, so you just wander around the house being furious at everything? Because that's what I feel like right now. I hate this show, I hate Yukari, I hate Misaki and Ririna. I literally cannot …

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100 Days of Anime: Day 57

Hey everyone, welcome back to the 100 Day Anime Challenge. We are on Day 57 now, and our question of the day is: What Anime has your Heart? Well, that's a bit of a complex question, but I think we can reason it out. What I see this question asking is, not really what the …

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